I can't believe that it is seven months have past since I graduated from my Masters programme. The European Graduate School (EGS) has equipped me in realising the nuances of the Expressive Arts framework and how it clearly (in my opinion and practice) brings transformation to conflicts towards building peace. The exam period in June was like no other...only in EGS can students feel held, comforted, edified and nourished through the rigger of their "exam-initiation". For that experience as well as the support of the faculty who were present, I will always be grateful. I also appreciate the honours which was cited to me by the faculty of the school for my work.

I left bringing with me a tangible sense of the strength of the mountains and the support of those who have stood alongside me in this study journey (they know who they are). The mountains surround Saas-Fee rise like an open hand, cherishing, protecting and they still gave room for my growth and discovery in this adventure. This sense is what I bring to the field, wherever that might lead.

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